Thursday, December 8, 2011

Decorating with non-decoration stuff from our basement

So this year I'm making Christmas decorations I really like and getting rid of all the goofball ones I store in my basement. Here's the mtn bike tire wreath - there are two hanging from the eaves on our front porch. 

And the happy bottles that glow -- again there are 2, one on each side of the door. 

Decoupage plate made with paper from recycled tea bags

This is what I made for the craft swap at school. There were 14 of them, all different. Saved tea bags for 6 month because I wanted to make my own sheets of acrylic-dyed tea bag paper (which I did -- made 16 12 x 18 sheets -- that a lot of tea bags!). Wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to do with the paper, then decided to make these plates for my friends in the craft swap. It was really really fun for me.  

So what if I try that again

When I was a kid, my mom taught me how to embroider and I really liked it. I think I made a bunch of little embroidered pictures from the ages of 12 to 14. Who knows where they are, but 30 years later I decided to pick up a needle and made this...
... while watching an all-day Project Runway marathon. 
 I needed a day like this. Completely restored and ready to go back to the world.

Rooms are for decorating

Reworked our family room last year... the family name in paper beads, paint, and other stuff

Finally got the bike up on the ceiling (we've been wanting to do this for years...)

So I discovered fabrics and had some fun with them

This is a fabric-covered magnetic board. I made several of these with different fabrics and yoyo magnets...
Appliqued canvas -- took forever to cut out all of the leaf shape templates then all over again for the fabric shapes... but worth it 

Close up of Liana's zig zag quilt

First Quilt

This is the first quilt I made using old fabrics I had stored up over the years and a couple of new ones I found at the Wooden Bridge... Took me about 4 months. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011


ABCDEFG a video by alipanik on Flickr.
I thought I'd start out my blog with this.
Just rediscovered it in my flickr photostream.
I miss this little girl,
but I love the big girl version I have today.